As seen in Times Union Upstate Traveler Magazine

We are very excited to participate in the upcoming 2econd Saturday Hudson Gallery Crawl. Starting Saturday, June 12th through November we, along with 70 other City of Hudson businesses, will be keeping our doors open late for this citywide event. Art galleries; clothing, jewelry, and lifestyle stores; antique dealers, restaurants, bars, and venues will also adjust their hours with most staying open until 9pm. We’ll be featuring all our newest merchandise along with a glass of Rose!
Outside, on Warren Street, pop-up galleries, outdoor markets, musicians and other performers can be found from Front Street up to 7th Street Park and newly renovated Park Theatre. You can get a map with all of the participating businesses here. The Hudson Gallery Crawl will end with fireworks in Riverfront Park at 9pm as part of the annual Flag Day Celebration. We hope that you can join us on June 12th and enjoy everything that helps make the City of Hudson a unique, year-round Art, Culture & Design destination.